Didem Peker - Body by Simone

Didem Peker

Didem Peker
May 11, 2015 Site Editor

I have suffered from allergic asthma and shortness of breath as long as I can remember. Towards the end of 2011, with my doctor’s recommendation, I began searching for cardio classes to strengthen my body and enhance my lung capacity. Prior to that, my main focus was toning and sculpting exercises. I took my fist dance cardio class with Simone at BBS in January 2012, and was out of breath within the first ten minutes. I started coughing and became dizzy, and had to stop frequently to catch my breath. Despite this, I wanted to come back! The classes were fun, and the instructors were very accommodating.

I started attending class once a week for two months. Soon I was able to get halfway through a class with no issues. Today I am able to finish a cardio class without much difficulty!

Not only has my body has become stronger and leaner by doing BBS, but my breathing and endurance have also improved significantly. I still have my allergies, but it is no longer a restriction for physically demanding activities. I am motivated more than ever to continue to take classes and reach my full potential. For that, I am forever grateful to Simone and her team.

Kind Regards,
–Didem Peker