Mosha Lundstrom - Body by Simone

Mosha Lundstrom

Mosha Lundstrom
May 11, 2015 Site Editor

I discovered Simone’s BBS program this past fall when moved to New York from Toronto to pursue a career in fashion. I had read about her studio in the New York Times and found it was very close to my new home in Chelsea.

From the first class I was hooked! I loved the intensity of the workouts and how satisfying it was to memorize the routines – perfect for an extreme Type A like myself. Simone and all her trainers xude such confidence and dedication to their health, which in turn gave me the chutzpah to dance around pretending I was in Beyoncé’s backup troupe! There is such an overwhelming a mood of acceptance and goodwill at her studio that it’s impossible not to be swept up in it. Good music, good vibes, good workouts!

And as a bonus: my results have been remarkable. Even though I have been partaking liberally in the superb dining scene here in the city, I’ve never looked or felt fitter. My arms are very defined, I ave visible abdominal muscles (a first!) and I’ve got my dancer’s legs back. In addition, I’ve gone down a whole dress size – from a 6 to a 4 – my energy has increased, and I sleep so much better after a killer sweat session. In a city this intense, with a super demanding life, BBS is my stress-buster and happy place. Thank you Simone.
You are a star!