Pia Pownall - Body by Simone

Pia Pownall

Pia Pownall
May 11, 2015 Site Editor

I know people should work out because it’s healthy…but honestly we all work out because we want to feel as great naked as we do when we are wearing our favorite outfit! And my “naked confidence” has definitely gone up since I started taking classes at Bodies By Simone. In the one month that I have been coming here I have actually been able to SEE results: my butt is changing shape and I’m getting those “sex” muscles (those well-defined abdominal muscles that form the “V” outline of a six pack) I’ve always been jealous of on Pink! Don’t get me wrong it’s hard work! I’ve never worked up a sweat like I do in these classes! But it’s also so much fun!! Because eventually you start knowing the steps and then you can start adding your own flair to a dance move or pushing yourself harder and past what you thought was your fitness level and limitation – it’s really empowering. And I can’t wait to see what my body looks like after another month here!