When I started my Revenge Body journey, my focus was to reconnect to my love and passion for dance, and when I found out Simone would be my trainer, I knew it would be the perfect match!!
I am so thankful to Simone for the opportunities and tools she provided me with and am indebted to her. Simone was so patient, kind and empathetic, yet still kicked my butt in every single 6:00 AM workout we had.
What I love and respect most about BBS is it’s commitment to helping ALL types of health and fitness goals, because at the end of the day, every one of us has our own journeys and for that reason, they won’t all look the same.
At the end of the day, I dropped 18 pounds, lost 35 inches and went from a dress size 10 to 6. I have a ways to go, but I am confident and happy in the skin I am in, all thanks to Body By Simone!