“It’s been exactly one year since I started the BBS 8 week program. What a difference a year makes.
I am so grateful to Simone for not only creating a wonderful program but even more so a studio and environment that from the moment you walk in you feel welcomed.
I have always hated gyms. I love that at BBS it really feels like the one place in Los Angeles that no one judges you. Not only are the trainers warm and friendly but so is everyone that takes class. I feel so lucky to have found BBS.
A huge thank you to Erica, Michelle, Sharona, Nicole, Colin, Bridget, Dominique, all the new trainers and all the men and women who work at BBS. I love the workout but it’s your energy, kindness and support that keeps me coming back.
I don’t always make the right choices sometimes my love of Pizza, wine and chocolate is to overpowering but because of everyone at BBS & The 8 week program I know what those right choices are and continue to be motivated each and every day.
Just wait till May… 47 is not to late for rock hard abs. This is the year it happens for me… and I have high hopes to eventually not trip all over myself during that Burpee dance.”