I discovered Body by Simone when Simone first opened her West Hollywood studio in April 2014. My workout for the past few years had been barre-based workouts, and I was looking for something more challenging. I didn’t need to lose much weight, but I wanted to shed fat and tone my body. I was always doing additional cardio outside of my barre workouts, and I was frustrated because I was craving something more challenging with a lot more sweat. I hated using stationary machines such as bikes and treadmills because I find them boring and I felt like a robot whenever I would use them.
The first class I took at BBS was Dance Cardio with Simone and I was immediately hooked. I didn’t know any of the dance moves, and it didn’t matter because I was having fun while working out. I started coming regularly and was taking 5-6 classes per week, even doubling up on certain days, usually a full body class or hips, thighs, buns class followed by dance cardio. I craved the sweat and the dancing high that came with each class.
When Simone introduced her 8-week challenge, I signed up and saw results in just 1 week of classes combined with her clean eating plan! 8 weeks later I had lost inches all over my waist, thighs, and arms! I kept up with the diet and workout regimen outlined by Simone, as I had about 10 months to go until my wedding date and was determined to be in the best shape of my life! The best part of the plan was that I was not miserable. I ate clean but I made sure to indulge on a cheat day. I looked forward to my workouts because I had so much fun dancing it out…not to mention, I finally had abs and muscle definition in my arms to show off! I’m so grateful to Simone and her amazing team of trainers for helping me reach my fitness goals and encouraging me to maintain a healthy lifestyle!
(Photos – 1st dress fitting May 2014, 2nd dress fitting January 2015, progress photo March 2015, wedding day May 2015, Honeymoon June 2015)